Computer Forensic
In the term of Computer forensics, it involves the preservation, identification, extraction, documentation, and interpretation of computer media for evidentiary and/or root cause analysis. For protection process it is necessary to use the computer forensic terms to eliminate the computer crime /fraud.
Computer forensic is also known as cyber forensics, it is an application of computer investigation and analysis techniques to gather the suitable evidence for the presentation in a court of law. We will help you to repair the damage caused by fraud or wrong-doing while helping prevent future incidents. We try to enable the recovery and use of critical electronic evidence for litigation and investigation. Our company provides an extensive range of high quality computer forensics investigation services of a criminal and civil nature, including the handling of computer related abuse, fraud cases, network forensics and mobile device analysis.
The objective of this is to obtain copies of relevant computer records, without in any way altering the contents of the computer upon which those records are stored. The reason for this is that an altered record could be dismissed as inadmissible evidence in any trial. It is, therefore, essential to avoid writing to the originating disk. In basic terms IT forensics is the “trail” of electronic fingerprints. In other words the forensic computer and cyber crime investigator forensically pieces together the bits and bytes of data hidden inside a computer. IT forensics is essentially about correct processes of investigation; rules of evidence; integrity; continuity of evidence; clear and concise reporting of factual information and the provision of expert testimony concerning the provenance of that evidence.
The main target of computer forensics is to execute a structured investigation while maintaining a documented chain of evidence to find out exactly what happened on a computer and who was responsible for it.